
What graduate Counselor Education courses are offered at UConn?

UConn Counselor Education Graduate Courses

EPSY 5626 - Addiction and Substance Abuse Counseling

3-credit / online / summer / LPC Cert

Professional Orientation to Mental Health Counseling provides counselors an overview of the addictive process. Theories of substance abuse and addictions counseling and application of these theories will comprise a significant part of this course.  In particular, this course will instruct students on how to apply different theories to individuals from minority or underrepresented backgrounds in a culturally component, ethical, equitable manner.   Students will develop a strong base of conceptual knowledge, practical skills concerning the etiology of addiction, and understand the purpose of assessment in addiction work. Finally, the class will also address wellness strategies for optimal service delivery and preventing clinician burnout.

EPSY 5323 - Crisis and Trauma Counseling

3-credit / online / summer / LPC Cert

Addictions and Substance Counseling is an introduction to current practice and theory related to trauma and crisis intervention in counseling. This course will examine models of crisis intervention and treatment options for traumatic events. Students will learn how to evaluate risk and protective factors, utilize resources and implement treatment interventions. In addition this course will examine trauma treatment interventions that are effective with diverse and traditionally underrepresented populations.

EPSY 5322 - Mental Health Counseling Internship

Taken at least twice, and up to four times. 3-credit / online / summer / LPC Cert

The Mental Health Counseling Internship course is designed to be taken while the student is completing their 600 hours of a Clinical Mental Health Counseling internship, over two summers. Students will attend seminars which provide the opportunity for supervision from faculty, case presentations and professional development.  Internship seminar is designed to contextualize and apply all the knowledge that students have gained in their coursework up to this point.  Students must provide evidence of liability insurance.

EPSY 5324 - Professional Orientation to Mental Health Counseling

3-credit / online / summer / LPC Cert

Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders provides an orientation to the field of mental health counseling. Topics include, history of mental health counseling, developing a professional identity, understanding mental health delivery systems and practices and current challenges and issues in mental health counseling.  In addition, this course will have students examine how mental health counseling and mental health services can be more equitable and accessible for all populations, specifically those from underrepresented communities.

EPSY 5625 - Mental Disorders in Counseling Practice: Diagnosis and Treatment

3-credit / online / summer / LPC Cert

Mental Disorders in Counseling Practice: Diagnosis and Treatment is designed to provide students pursuing counseling licensure (LPC) an understanding of abnormal psychological behavior in children and adults. Topics covered in the course include, diagnostic and classification systems of mental disorders, such as depressive disorders, anxiety, OCD, trauma, personality disorders, and eating disorders to highlight a few that are discussed. In addition to examining diagnostic criteria and processes, students will learn how to develop culturally appropriate treatment plans for different mental disorders.

EPSY 5108 - Students with Special Needs in the Classroom Environment

3-credit / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Students with Special Needs in the Classroom Environment is designed to provide students with methods for identifying, planning for, and working effectively with children with special needs in the general education classroom.

EPSY 5195 - Workshop in Education

1-3 credits / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Workshop in Education is designed to provide students opportunities to work cooperatively on problems arising out of actual school situations.

EPSY 5301 - Group Processes in Counseling

3-credit / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Group Processes in Counseling is designed to provide students an experiential and theoretical introduction to group process and dynamics.

EPSY 5304 - School Counseling Program Development and Evaluation

3-credit / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Foundations and Contents of School Counseling is designed to provide students with basic philosophical and professional premises of the counseling profession. Topics include the history of the counseling profession, counselor's roles and functions, role of research and theory in counseling, and professional ethics. Individual group and preventive counseling approaches are covered.

EPSY 5306 - Principles of Career Development in Counseling

3-credit / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Principles of Career Development in Counseling covers career development and career psychology in adolescents and adults.

EPSY 5307 - Professional Orientation of School Counseling

3-credit / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Professional Orientation of School Counseling is designed to provide students with principles and practices of pupil personnel work in educational institutions including all aspects of pupil personnel services; the role of the school counselor as a pupil personnel worker; and as a consultant on teacher-pupil relations.

EPSY 5308 - Counseling: Theory and Practice

3-credit / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Counseling: Theory and Practice is designed to provide students with contemporary theories and practices of essential helping skills.

EPSY 5310 - Facilitating Career Development

3-credit / online / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Facilitating Career Development provides students with relevant skills and knowledge to assist others in planning careers and obtaining meaningful work and follows the National Career Development Association’s Career Services Provider (CSP) certification process.

EPSY 5314 - Appraisal Procedures in Counseling

3-credit / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Appraisal Procedures in Counseling covers the use of instruments for estimating abilities, achievements, interest and personality; interpretation of appraisal procedures in counseling.

EPSY 5315 - Counseling: Advanced Practice

3-credit / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Counseling: Advanced Practice continues the work begun in EPSY 5308, and strengthens and extends helping skills.

EPSY 5316 - Counseling Diverse Populations

3-credit / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Cross-Cultural Counseling is designed to provide students with theories, skills and practices of counseling with culturally different persons in mental health settings.

EPSY 5317 - Field Work in Counseling and Personnel

3-credit / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Field Work in Counseling and Personnel is students’ supervised experience in counseling and related practices in schools and agencies with a concurrent supervisory seminar.

EPSY 5318 - Human Growth and Development over the Lifespan: Implications for Counselors

3-credit / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Human Growth and Development over the Lifespan: Implications for Counselors is designed to provide students with a review of human growth and development over the lifespan using psychosocial theory with an emphasis on individual and family transitions, learning processes, personality, developmental crises, gender role conflicts and transitions, ethical issues, and strategies to optimize human potential.

EPSY 5319 - School Counseling Internship

3-6 credits / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

School Counseling Internship is designed to provide students with a post-practicum experience in school counseling under the supervision of a fully trained and certified professional school counselor for the duration of one school year along with an accompanying on-campus seminar. All core courses in the school counseling program must be completed prior to beginning the internship.

EPSY 5320 - Critical Issues in School Counseling

3-credit / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Critical Issues in School Counseling is designed to provide students with an introduction to the broad profession of counseling; the ethical standards of the American Counseling Association and the American School Counseling Association; and a review and analysis of the critical and emerging issues and incidents facing today's professional school counselors.

EPSY 5406 - Consultation Theories and Practices

3-credit / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Consultation Theories and Practices is designed to provide students with theories and practices of professional consultation, with an emphasis on actual interventions in schools, corporations and social service agencies.

EPSY 5601 - Principles and Methods in Educational Research

3-credit / in-person / Master’s, 6th Year, Ph.D.

Principles and Methods in Educational Research is designed to provide students with methods of research in education. The course is specifically designed for graduate-level students.

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